DESTRUCTION A long time has passed. Nearly two years have gone by since my last entry into this blog. A short list of events tells you why: • House sold for a loss, gave 1/2 of everything I had away.. • Had no home for several months, lived in a rented art studio and a friend's pool house. • Father died. • Established new friendships in a new city. • Bought a much smaller house (1/3rd the size) on some land far from the city. • Built an art studio • Painted 15 murals • Learned WordPress for building websites and designed 4 sites • Changed the way I did business • Published another book (the illustration above is from this book entitled: Life is Wonderful, It could be Verse! , By Art Holst) You can see it on my website at www.katherinelarson.com • Found God again. Sometimes you have to tear down everything you think you wanted and start over again. Sometimes it's life that does it to you, and sometimes you have to do it yourself. As a writer, painter and singer,...