Ticks in the Tent

The Continuing Memoirs of My Artist in Residency in the U.P. Little Carp River, Porcupine Wilderness, Michigan's U.P. When I arrived at the Porcupine Wilderness Visitors Center, I was presented with a book about surviving in the forest. The book described, in detail, a long list of parasites and pests, including the effects of their bites, what they look like and how to get them off you once they "latch on." However, in most cases, the book described what little you could do for relief once you are bitten. I'm not sure if the book was intended as a helpful guide, or as a deterrent to those considering the U.P. as a possible retirement location. One U.P. born resident of Ontonagon told me he thanks God every day for the black fly, because it alone keeps 95% of the people away who might have made their home there. If you want to read about the black fly, there are many descriptions of it in books and on the web. I'll just tell you that it strikes terror into ...