New Pleinair in Florida


Some things you do without knowing you are going to do them. That's how I ended up in Florida three months ago. It's a long story, so I won't bore you with it. But I will say that if anyone had told me four months ago that I would be moving here, I would have laughed at them.

There are no regrets. Life here is unlike anyplace I have lived. There are no mountains, and I kind of miss that. But with no mountains, you have a clear view of the sunrises and the sunsets. Your horizon is always visible. And after 2020, I like the fact that I am able to see the horizon. 

Nothing is hurried here. There is no reason to speed anyplace. When I see the odd car rushing past me or riding my bumper when I'm going the speed limit, I know they are not from here. If they stay here and let the heat sink into their bones, they won't be speeding for long. There's always enough time to get done what needs to be done. And people help each other out down here, so it's not a laziness. It's a paring down of unnecessary things or activities. Anyone who holds on to them will be overly burdened. 

Family and Faith take a front seat in Florida. I feel like I'm not in the driver's seat anymore...and I'm happy to hand over that responsibility to a higher power. It has given me time to admire the beauty all around me here. And to contemplate why we are here and what we are supposed to be doing. I have come to the conclusion that we are to love our Creator and our neighbors. And to do that, the focus comes off self and on to everything else. 

 And so I paint. I paint the beauty that is so present here all the time. I paint to honor my Creator and the things he has created for us. I paint to give the joy of what I see to others. And I paint because I'm grateful and joyful to be here. 


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